It's important to take a note of the effects of global warming on wildlife, as their repercussions are bound to affect us eventually - either directly or indirectly. Continue reading.....
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Global warming... human-induced global warming to be precise, is undoubtedly the biggest threat that the planet is facing today.
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The fact that its effects on the planet are becoming more and more obvious is a sign of an approaching disaster. We often associate global warming with loss of habitat for species like the polar bear or the Arctic fox.
It may come as a surprise for many, but the effects of global warming on wildlife go well beyond this. Going by the rate at which the planet is becoming warm, it will result in irreversible damage to various ecosystems within the next few years, and that will sound the death knell for numerous species thriving in these ecosystems.
Global Warming Effects on the Wildlife
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Global temperature changes can greatly affect our climate system, with even slight increases causing significant disruptions. Recent years have revealed observable environmental changes, underscoring the vulnerability of our climate.
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Retreating glaciers and melting polar ice signal climate change in high altitudes and polar regions, while extremely hot summers, early lake freezing, premature spring ice melting, and erratic precipitation indicate climate change locally.
Changing climate patterns are fueling natural disasters, evident in the increased frequency of hurricanes, wildfires, etc. These changes are impacting not only humans but also taking a toll on the planet's plants and animals.
Loss of Habitat for Species
The impact of global warming on wildlife is best depicted by habitat loss for numerous species of plants as well as animals. The polar region is home to a number of species which have adapted themselves to the cold conditions that exist there.
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If average global temperature continues to soar, the polar climate will also change, and that in turn, will trigger a series of changes in the polar ecosystem.
Rapid climate changes will challenge Arctic and high-altitude animals like the polar bear, Arctic fox, caribou, and snow owl. They'll likely migrate north or to higher elevations in search of suitable habitats.
As temperatures shift, plants like sugar maple trees are moving north, alongside animals. This movement could lead to habitat loss, increasing competition within species and potentially driving some to extinction.
One of the best examples of animals threatened by global warming is the polar bear. In fact, it deserves to be the mascot of global warming affected wild kingdom. Even though this species of bear is enlisted as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List as of today, experts are of the opinion that we will have to shift them to the list of endangered species soon.
Trends suggest that the polar bear population will decline to one-third of what it is today by the year 2050.
These bears tend to rely on the massive chunks of floating ice when it comes to hunting, and melting of these ice chunks makes it difficult for them to hunt - thus leaving them without food.
Even though polar bears can swim, they require to take rest after short span of time and with no ice chunks to take rest on, things are becoming increasingly difficult for them.
All this is taking a toll on their biology, and reproduction trends in this species hints at this very fact, with female polar bears having a tough time rearing their young ones.
Habitat loss triggered as a result of global warming has even more disastrous effects on species with a limited range, and the golden toad - native to Monteverde cloud forest of Costa Rica, is one of the best examples of the same. This species became extinct when a fungal epidemic swept through this region, thus bringing about a severe decline in golden toad population.
This epidemic was attributed to warm temperature which resulted in conditions ideal for fungal growth. The few tadpoles which managed to survive this epidemic, eventually succumbed to drying of water sources as a result of increasing temperature. The golden toad is a representative of several amphibian species which succumbed to this condition somewhere between 1980s and 1990s.
Change in Migration Pattern
Global warming has disrupted the migration patterns of animals in recent years. Changes in climatic conditions have thrown off their timing and routes, as they rely on temperature cues to begin their journeys.
For instance, animals which migrate from cold regions of the higher latitudes to the warm regions of the tropics - and back, begin their migration when the temperature reaches certain degrees.
The alteration in climate pattern of late is prompting these animals to begin their journey before schedule, as a result of which they reach their destination way before time, only to be welcomed by shortage of food.
This is evident in various parts of the world wherein migratory species returning from breeding grounds to feeding grounds with their young ones before schedule are facing a severe shortage of food.
Severe Shortage of Food
Food shortages are impacting species. Antarctic krill have declined by 80-85%, leaving penguins, reliant on krill, with inadequate food. Emperor penguin populations have plummeted by 50%.
The penguins are not the only ones who are affected by the decline in krill population in Antarctica, even animals like whales and seals are facing food problems because of this. It isn't much surprising that this dearth of food has prompted several species to resort to cannibalism as the last measure of survival.
Change in Reproductive Behavior
Global warming-induced changes have altered animal behavior significantly. Many species are adjusting their birthing schedules to align with food availability, giving birth earlier or later than usual.
One of the apt examples of the same is the blue tit species (Parus caeruleus) which is known to feed on leaf-eating grubs.
Unfurling of leaves before time is attracting leaf-eating grubs in large numbers. Blue tits have started laying their eggs two weeks earlier than the schedule so as to make sure that food is available in plenty for their young ones when these eggs hatch. Even hibernating animals - like marmots, have pre-poned their hibernation by approximately 3 weeks.
Rising Instances of Pest Outbreaks
Warmer temperatures have fostered insect growth, leading to increased pest outbreaks in forests worldwide. Insects once limited to tropical regions now thrive in higher latitudes due to these conditions.
Rise in the instances of spruce budworm outbreak is turning out to be lethal for the spruce trees, as they don't just lay eggs on these trees but also feed on their leaves.
Coyotes from North American prairies and tigers from the Sundarbans in Southeast Asia are encroaching on human settlements due to habitat loss and food scarcity caused by global temperature change.
These examples shows how global warming can affect us indirectly. It's expected that over a million plant and animal species will face irreversible extinction by 2050 due to global warming.