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Going Green Ideas That Are Easy To Implement

Omkar Phatak
If you are looking for some ideas to go green, this write-up will give you some food for thought. Keep reading ahead to know some simple ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint and save the environment from the onslaught of human greed.
You don't need superhuman powers to save the world from destruction caused by polluting agents. All you need are some simple ideas to go green, which will counter the forces of destruction that are tearing apart our environment and Earth's natural order.
Here are some ideas, which will go a long way in reducing pollution in all its forms, if they are implemented by communities worldwide. It is time to stop ignoring environmental issues and deal with them. Changes in certain daily habits can go a long way in saving the environment.

Some Easy-to-implement Ideas

You must have watched the popular infotainment cartoon series - 'Captain Planet'. His message or motto was something that left an impression on our mind. It was 'The Power is Yours!' The power to save our environment lies within us. Here are some ideas, that will help you out in the endeavor of saving our green planet.

Walk and Use Bicycles When You Can

One of the best ways to go green is to reduce fuel consumption by walking, cycling, or using public transport. Walking and cycling are also good for your health, while reducing air pollution.
Make it a point to walk when you need to visit places nearby, instead of stepping on the pedal of your car or bike. Go for hybrid cars that are eco-friendly. This will go a long way in creating a greener tomorrow and reducing the impact of global warming.

Recycle Plastic and Electronic Appliances

While plastic is one of the most versatile materials created by man, it is non-degradable. There is no natural way in which plastic can be destroyed and hence, it just goes on piling up. Plastic waste creates natural hazards.
That is why, try to avoid using plastic bags as far as possible. If you do have to, then make sure you are recycling it. Do not throw any of the electronic items in your waste basket, as they contain toxic substances that damage the environment. Recycle your cell phone. Buy electronic items made from eco-friendly materials, which do not use mercury.

Use Water Economically

One of the rarest resources on Earth is pure water. Use it economically and not as if you've got an endless supply of it. Take only as much as you need to use and avoid wasting it. Wash clothes in cold water to save power.

Lower Your House Heater Consumption

By keeping your house heater temperatures lower in winter and using less of air conditioning in summer, you can bring down your fuel bills considerably.

Avoid Using Electric Coil Based Instruments

Avoid using electric heaters and other such appliances based on the usage of electric coils, which have a high power consumption rate. This will bring down the electricity bill and also reduce power consumption. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), instead of incandescent lamps, which will bring down the electric power consumption of your house.

Go Solar

Install solar cell based water heaters and use solar cookers in summer. This will save power to a large extent and help in saving the environment in the long run. Opting for solar energy based appliances will make a more energy-efficient home.
Green living is the way to save the world. These simple ideas can reduce fuel consumption, bring down the rate at which natural resources are being consumed and ultimately save our world from the juggernaut of human greed that is seriously disturbing the natural balance of our ecosystem.
Let us learn to share our planet peacefully and develop a sustainable ecosystem. We must remember that our greatest enemy is within and that is greed. Learn to achieve a natural balance of life by implementing some of the ideas shared here.