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Helping the Environment with Net Metering

Net Metering is a great way to save money and use sustainable energy, all while helping the planet.
Lindsey Patterson

Net Metering

“What is Net Metering?”, many people might wonder. This has to be one of the first questions you are thinking and how it can benefit you. Do not worry; you are not the only person wondering this same question.

Net Metering is a new program by solar companies allowing any non-used electricity at a residence to be transferred back into the power grid.
The power company then compensates the power that is transferred back into the grid to your electric bill.

By doing this, you will save hundreds if not thousands of dollars every year. Sounds pretty impressive, doesn’t it?
Let’s dive deeper into Net Metering and see how you can maximize the benefit of this program for your residence.

How to lower your electricity bill with net metering?

Many solar companies have started programs that you can access that require no down payment for the solar system. The solar companies do require a credit score of 640 or above to qualify, and you will even receive a tax break for this system. After you are eligible for the system to be installed, the solar company will dispatch an installation team.
Each solar system comes with batteries to store the energy supplied by the solar panels. Once the system fully charges these batteries, any extra power will be transferred into the power grid. This process is called net metering credit and can be credited to your electric bill.
Net metering has provided lower electric bills for many residences throughout the world and will continue to do so cleanly and efficiently stated by SEIA.

Can you make money using Net Metering?

YES, you can make money using net metering with your solar system! The best way to do this is to know how much power your residence is using.

Budgeting your electricity just like you would budget your finances is the easiest way to see if you will receive a credit for that month or not.
In the case that you do not budget your electricity, then you will receive a lower electric bill for that month. Look at how much kilowatts are used by appliances and electronics in your home and calculate your electricity usage.

Do all electricity companies allow net metering?

Thirty-eight states have net Metering at this time. Seven other states have a state-driven form of Net Metering. State legislators have seen significant growth in electricity generation since 2016. Over 2,580 megawatts of electricity by residences using net Metering has been generated. At this time there are thirty-eight states that allow it.
Many states will follow as stated by the NCSL, and have shown numerous benefits to the environment in doing so. Seven states are using a different method in surplus electricity compensation that is nationwide generation compensation programs.
These states include Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Nevada, Maine, and Mississippi.

In Conclusion

What does this mean for you? This means that you need to check the link by the NCSL to see if net metering is allowed in your state. If net metering is permitted, then you need to look into getting a solar system installed at your residence to start saving money on your electricity today.
This program has helped numerous homes across the world and will continue to do so with the rise in renewable energy sources.