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How Saving Energy Benefits the Environment

Here is a discussion on how you can do little things on your own which can help protect the world you live in.
Austin Winder


Green energy has been a big trend throughout the first two decades of the 21st century.

Environment friendly products are flooding the market and companies are being pressured to make sure their products are less harmful to the ozone layer.
However, while there are so many brands and companies that claim they are going green, not all of them are really putting in the effort that they could.

When people discover inconsistencies in these claims, it can cause confusion.
So why should we be investing in green energy products if many companies do not take an effort themselves?

Can one light bulb possibly make a difference?
The answer is yes, absolutely! If every family in the country used just one energy renewable bulb, the American energy crisis would be significantly reduced.
Less pressure would be put on power plants, electrical bills would plummet, freeing companies up to produce more green products which help the environment on a larger scale.
Energysage.com observed, “the U.S. domestic sector produced approximately 19% of national GHG emissions in 2016. Of that, 69% of residential emissions were the result of electricity use, with direct fossil fuel combustion for home heating making up the other 32%”.

The Basics

Understanding the unseen effects that energy saving has on the environment can be difficult. In our daily lives we don’t naturally measure how much waste we are producing.
We simply empty our plastic wrappers into the garbage can along with our compostable items and at the end of the week, we take out the trash.

However, the unseen benefits of recycling and saving energy actually help us preserve the earth for future generations.

Rules of Thumb

▪ By reducing energy, we are able to lower power plant emissions that go into the ozone. When electricity is used, Industrial plants burn coal and oil into the air - causing caustic greenhouse emissions and also making breathing difficult for those more sensitive to airborne toxins. This is an issue in China, where many people wear masks in public.
▪ The filthier the atmosphere, the higher are the sea levels and temperatures rise. Weather patterns are becoming increasingly abnormal - resulting in harsher winters and more poignant droughts in the summer - and there is a higher intensity and propensity of natural disasters.
▪ When you use up less energy, you conserve and protect non-renewable natural resources. As we’re taught in second grade science class, fossil fuels will eventually run out.
This is why the oil price wars between America and the Middle East are so heated. This is also why Elon Musk is looking to make his Tesla system more widespread as quickly as possible. 
▪ The use of clean and efficient energy also makes strides to saving the ecosystem and animals. Mining and logging are associated with creating the fuels needed to use energy. However, both the work and the product are powerful proponents in destroying habitats.
Dawn’s dish soap initiative to clean up oil spills has proven to be a huge success. But how much better would it be if it were unnecessary because the wild was just so clean? 


Doing our part to save the environment is absolutely essential for giving our children a better place to live after we are gone. Technology is only going to continue to advance, which means it’s absolutely paramount that we become more educated and execute clean energy usage.
At the end of the day, environmental conservation is up to us, and it can be as simple as changing to an energy efficient bulb.