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If All The Glaciers Melted

Kevin Mathias
The melting of glaciers is required for the survival of many communities worldwide. If this process increases abnormally, it will have negative effects of tremendous proportions.
How Are Glaciers Formed?
Glaciers are formed when the snow that has fallen remains long enough to get compressed by fresh snow, and turns into solid ice. Almost throughout the year, new layers of snow will fall and compress the layers below.

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For a glacier to form, it is very important that the amount of snow that falls in a given year is more than the amount of glacier ice/fresh snow that melts. It is only in this way that any glacier can increase in size.

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If the amount of fresh snow is less than the amount of melting ice/snow, then the glacier will diminish in size and gradually vanish.

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This is exactly what is happening with almost all glaciers on our planet. The ones that have taken centuries to form are melting at an alarming rate. Some well-known ones have diminished in size, and some have become extinct; all in the time period of the past 100 years.
Do Glaciers Melt Normally?
This is a normal process, and all glaciers melt to some extent during warmer climates. Certain glaciers melt constantly, but are replenished with the falling of more snow. Many communities depend on these melting glaciers for their freshwater needs.
Water for drinking and farming is supplied by these rivers of ice, without which these communities would have to move and settle down where other sources of freshwater are available.

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Some nations depend on this constant flow of water to produce hydroelectricity, which costs less to produce and is extremely ecofriendly. This process is perfectly normal, as long as the amount of ice that is melting is replaced by the same or more amount of fresh snow.

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A serious problem occurs when the ice melts too fast, and the fresh falling snow is not able to replace it. When this happens, the glacier will gradually begin diminishing in size, and will vanish completely.

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What If Glaciers Melt Totally?
Many glaciers across the world are diminishing in size each year. Some well-known ones of the past have just melted away, never to return. The speed at which this process is taking place is getting increasing with each passing year. Almost everyone today agrees to one major cause for this - 'Global Warming'.

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People/communities that depend totally on glacier water for drinking and irrigation purposes have already felt the horrible effects of fast melting. These glaciers are bad not just for us humans, but also for animals, birds, fish, and marine plants.
Lakes Formed out of Glacier Water Could Burst
Glaciers that are melting faster than normal create lakes on the mountainsides as they flow. The size of these water bodies keeps on increasing with time. The walls that hold these lakes can bear pressures only up to certain limits.
These lakes could burst, unleashing devastation if water levels surpass their limits. The unleashed torrents have the power to obliterate everything, even villages nestled at mountain bases.
Such disasters are a current reality, and have already happened (for example, in Nepal and Bhutan) causing tremendous loss to the villagers who were affected by it. Many places in these countries still face grave dangers from such lakes that are increasing in size, and could burst anytime.

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When the amount of ice/snow melting on mountains increases above normal, it will cause a lot of water to be released into streams, and finally the rivers it feeds. This will cause flooding all along the river banks.

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All those living in low lying areas in close proximity of the rivers will be affected. The amount of havoc that floods can create is very well-known worldwide. People affected will have to relocate to safer regions.

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Floods bring with them tremendous misery. Waterborne disease will be widespread and very difficult to curtail. Pure drinking water will not be available. Irrigated farmlands will drown, and crops will be destroyed. Living in such areas will not be humanly possible.
Once these glaciers have completely melted, the streams and rivers that are fed by them will run dry.
People depending on these sources for their freshwater needs will not have any other source (unless fresh groundwater is available). Entire villages will have to resettle elsewhere. Places that are abundant in the production of crops for their needs, and also the needs of others will face famine. Food grains will be in short supply.
Sea Levels Will Rise
We are already witness to a sea level rise in the past century. This is minor proportions, but if the sea continues to rise further, it could have devastating effects. Persons living in low-lying areas on the seashore will be the first to be affected.
Entire areas around the seashore will be flooded, making it compulsory for people in close vicinity to relocate. All fresh groundwater in the surrounding areas will get contaminated with sea water, which will be unfit for human consumption and for agriculture.
Global Temperatures Will Rise Further
20% of the heat from the sun is absorbed by glaciers, who reflect the remaining 80% into space. However, 80% of the heat is absorbed by the Earth when they melt, with only 20% being reflected back into space.
This in turn will cause global temperatures to rise further, leading to a faster melting of the remaining glaciers.

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Animals, birds, and fish face impacts
Glacier-fed waterways sustain many fish, birds, and animals, but they'll suffer if sea levels rise. Fish, especially, rely on thriving coral reefs for food. Yet, with reduced sunlight due to rising sea levels, these corals could deteriorate or disappear.
This will affect the fish that feed on it. Birds and animals that depend on these fish for survival will be affected due to a shortage of fish. Humans in such areas depending on these animals, birds, and fish for food will be affected.

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Who's responsible for vanishing glaciers?
Many recognize global warming as the main driver of glacier melt. It started with the industrial revolution and worsens annually. With greenhouse gas emissions soaring, everyone plays a role in climate change

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While we may not reverse it, living responsibly could significantly slow down global warming. Though it may not benefit us immediately, it will surely help future generations.