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Tips for Living a Greener Lifestyle

Mikkie Mills
Environmental conservation and preservation are hot topics these days. As a species, we generate a significant amount of waste. All of this waste harms the environment. Today, people all across the United States (and around the world) are making an effort to preserve the earth’s natural resources and ensure its sustainability.
A green (or eco-friendly) lifestyle is meant to reduce one’s impact on the environment. You take steps and make conscious decisions every day that produce less waste and use less energy. Maybe you’re just getting started on your journey toward a greener life.
Or, perhaps you’ve started making some changes but want to make more. No matter where you are on your path, here are five tips for living a greener lifestyle.

Cut Down on Home Energy Usage

Homes use a significant amount of energy. There are many ways in which you can cut down on your usage. Unplug electronics that aren’t in use. Exchange incandescent lightbulbs for CFLs or LEDs. Alter your thermostat a few degrees up or down from what your normal seasonal settings.
Replace old appliances with newer, more efficient models. Schedule regular HVAC inspections and make sure your home is properly insulated. Wash clothes in cold water and line dry them instead of using the dryer. Consider switching your showerhead and toilet to low-flow models if you don’t already have them.

Install Solar Panels

Solar panels provide you with a clean, 100% renewable source of energy that can significantly reduce your dependency on traditional electrical energy. Not only are you using the power of the sun to provide your home with energy, but you also save a significant amount on your monthly bills.
Installing solar panels is a bit of an investment, but it’s one that can help to make your home much greener.

Choose Green Materials for Home Improvements

Just because you want to live a greener lifestyle, that doesn’t mean you can’t make any improvements to your home. There are a variety of eco-friendly building materials.
 Instead of traditional hardwood floors, choose bamboo or reclaimed wood. Use straw bales or sheep’s wool for insulation. Use precast concrete for walls or roof decks. If you want to paint your walls, choose ones that are free of VOCs.

Invest in an Electric Vehicle

Cars typically require gasoline to run. Today, however, more and more hybrid and electric cars are being manufactured. A completely electric car doesn’t require any fuel. In many cases, electric cars are charged using an electrical outlet in your home.
If you’re looking to reduce your dependency on traditional electricity, you can install a solar ev charger. This charger uses the power of the sun to “refuel” your electric vehicle. Not only is your car greener, but so is the source that powers it. 

Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own fruits and vegetables offers many environmental benefits, as well as many health benefits to you and your family. You decide what you want to grow. You also get to decide what kind of soil the food is grown in and what goes on the plants.
Many home gardeners choose to remain chemical-free, which means fewer harmful chemicals go into the ground and water supply. At the same time, you’re reducing your dependency on foods sold in traditional grocery stores. Fruits and vegetables often travel over a thousand miles before they’re consumed.
Their transportation contributes to carbon emissions and waste. If you don’t have a yard to grow a large variety of food, you can create a smaller garden for items you consume frequently. You can also help to reduce your environmental impact by shopping at local farmers' markets, where food travels a much shorter distance before being sold.
Every step you take toward a greener lifestyle helps to reduce your carbon footprint. Even small changes can make a major difference. Reducing your waste and energy use does more than just help the planet. It can also help your wallet by saving you money.