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How to Use Waste Vegetable Oil as Fuel

Gayatri Haldankar
Did you know that there are other uses for vegetable oil that has been used for cooking? In fact, used vegetable oil can even be used as fuel, albeit after a conversion process.
Waste vegetable oil is nothing but the used vegetable oil or cooking oil found in almost every kitchen. Many of the people throw out this used vegetable oil as they think it's of no use. But do you know that this used vegetable oil can be used as a fuel? Yes, it's true.
Waste vegetable oil, when recycled, can be used as fuel in engines. These oils work best in diesel engines, like diesel generators or cars. The reason for using this oil as fuel is that it has advantages over petroleum diesel.

Vegetable Oil Fuel Conversion

However, before using this oil in diesel engines, it has to go through a conversion process. This can be achieved in two ways.

1. The first way is to filter the waste vegetable oil before using it as a fuel. The fuel conversion process requires an additional fuel tank, a heat source for heating the oil, and a filter for filtering the oil.

Waste vegetable oil has to be filtered as it contains many food particles. It has a relatively high viscosity compared to petrol diesel, and is too thick to work in the engine, and hence needs to be heated before use.
2. The second way of conversion is to convert vegetable oil into biodiesel. This converted biodiesel can be used directly in diesel engines without further modifications. The conversion of waste vegetable oil into biodiesel is a very simple process, which can be carried out in a biodiesel factory.
This conversion can also be carried out at home, but requires proper care and caution. This is because some materials used for this conversion are poisonous, caustic, and inflammable.

Advantages of Using Waste Vegetable Oil as Fuel

The first advantage is that it is easily available in the kitchen. Secondly, it produces fewer greenhouse emissions, like carbon dioxide and sulfur, and thus reduces pollution to some extent.
The conversion process is very cheap and produces less dangerous emissions as compared to a diesel engine. And after the conversion, there is tremendous decrease in production of emissions.
The conversion process to biodiesel is a bit expensive, but has many other advantages. The use of biodiesel contributes to reduction of many air toxic pollutants like dust particles, carbon monoxide, and sulfur oxide. It doesn't require any special storage and is safer to handle as compared to petroleum diesel.
There are many factors that contribute to the efficiency of the fuel such as the type, quality of the vegetable oil, the systems used for filtering, heating, the maintenance of the systems used, and the proper use of the systems. It also depends on the people developing this system, and if they have complete knowledge of how the system works or not.
So, now it's up to you whether to use waste vegetable oil as fuel or to throw out it. But we recommend using it as fuel due to the various advantages that it has over petroleum diesel. Also, by using it you may contribute a little in preventing global warming.